Is It Time to Redesign Your Website?

If you are searching about it, there is an 80% probability that your website requires upgrading. You might have come across that sometimes when you enter a store and realize that they have not changed things in years, it does not leave a good impression on you. On the other hand, when a store is colorful with a great variety of new products, you will find yourself more interested in shopping from that store. Similarly, your website is your representation in this current era of modernization. A firm with a website has a greater probability of building a better reputation in the industry. But only having a website is not enough. You must also update it to increase traffic on your site. Let’s jot down a few points to consider to know if you need to update your site or not.


1. Looks outdated

If you feel embarrassed to give out your website’s URL to someone, this is probably because your website looks outdated or monotonous. The best feature of a website is what can make people stay longer on your website. It might be unfair but how your site appears matters a lot. The fonts and font size you use in your content must not bother people. Similarly, you must pick a color combination, probably that matches your brand’s logo, and stick to it. Because when you use too many colors, it might look unprofessional and annoying.


2. Improper Navigation and Slow Speed

If your website is difficult to use, people will not bother to stay more than a minute. Hence, it is extremely important to clearly show the menu. Try to make navigation easier so that people can easily find what they are looking for. On the other hand, your website must be running 24/7 with a 100% uptime. Even if your website is updated and convincing but it takes more than 6 seconds to load, today’s busy generation will not like to wait for it.


3. Responsiveness

Technology has overtaken everything. There is a number of devices available with different screen size. Research has shown that 65% of digital media time is spent on mobile phones. Being competent you must design your website in a way that it fits every screen size and look appealing.


In a nutshell, when a person visits your site he must not have to wait for it to load. Moreover, your website must look appealing and user-friendly and should represent the core purpose of your website. So, if you find any of such issues with your website, it is probably a call for website redesigning.